Sunday, February 24, 2019

NOTES 24/02/2019

Thinking of taking up a new sport?

As the days are now getting brighter why not try a game of pitch and putt  ideal for families, juveniles and adults.
We are based next to the sports centre in the beautiful setting of Dungarvan Bay.
Everyone is more than welcome to come and play.

Ladies Wednesday game results 

Names in for 10am tee off at 10.30am
Due to bad weather conditions, last weeks game was cancelled.

Results of Saturday Scramble

Names in for 1pm tee off at 1.30pm

With the crowd getting bigger week by week, we played a 2 ball scramble with results as follows
Nett     Jacinta O'Mahoney, Kyle Hackett
Gross   Kathleen Foran, Patsy Hackett

Ladies Spring League
Despite the damp weather conditions the ladies turned out in force for their sunday afternoon spring league.
The top of the leader board after week 4 is as follows:
Lorraine Troy                18 points
Jacinta O'Mahoney      16 points
Corinne McGee            14 points
Breda Foley                   14 points
Mary Lynch                    12 points
Evelyn Torrens              12 points

This is a foursomes game when possible depending on numbers and the draw will be made on the day of the competition so have your names in by 1.30 for tee off at 2.

Sunday Gents Game

 tee off at 10.30am
Nett        Michael Havens
Gross      Michael Delaney

Hole in one competition

Even though its still January we have already have people with hole in ones.
John O'Shea has 2, Kyle Hackett and Aiden O'Rourke  both have one.
We finally have a lady on the board with the honour going to Breda Foley and Jacinta O'Mahoney.

Mens Spring League

Tee off at 10.30am

Liam Hansbury      4 points
Michael Havens     2 points
Kyle Hackett           1 point
Aiden O'Rourke     1 point
Michael Delaney   1 point

This game is played over 8 weeks and is a stableford format.
Next weeks game is away and the venue will be decided for the day during the week, please meet at club house for car pooling at 9 am.
There was no winner of this weeks  bonus number 22.

Brief Rules
  • The holes must be played in the correct sequence.
  • You may not practice on the course before playing some competitions.
  • If your ball is obstructing the play of an opponent, you may mark the ball, to allow your opponent to play and then replace it.  You may use a pattern marker or an object no bigger than a five cent coin.

Fobs are now turned off to non members, anyone wishing to join can do so at the club house between 10 and 12pm Monday to Saturday.

Committee Meeting
Next committee meeting Saturday 2ND after the game at 4pm 2019.  Please note this date has changed this month.

Sub Committees

We are looking for members to go on the sub committees to help with the club house and course.
Anyone with a few hours spare can put their name onto the sheet in the club house.
You do not have to stick to times or days just come on down whenever you have a spare hour or two, you will be very welcome.

FAMILY               155EUR
ADULT                  85.EUR
JUV.                       50 EUR.
SNR                        55 EUR.
Our membership runs from January 1st to December 31st so no matter how late in the year a person pays their membership, they must pay the full fees.


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