Xmas game
Our annual Xmas game is on the 16th December at 11am, please bring a wrapped gift to the value of ten euro, we will be presenting the hole in one prizes and making the draw for the hampers after the game.
HampersOur Deluxe Christmas hampers are now being prepared, so get your Raffle tickets now to be in with a chance of winning one.You can get your tickets or donate towards the hampers on Wednesdays at 10.30am until 12pm.Bonus numberBreda O'Donnell was the Bonus number was the winner of number 12.Numbers can be got in the clubhouse.Saturday Mixed Scramblesnames in for 10am tee off at 11amNett Oliviere WalshGross Evelynn TorrensWednesday Ladies gameNames in for 10am tee off at 10.30am,Nett Cait Mulcahy, Carmel Flanagan, Ann C O'connorGross Kathleen Foran, Mary O'Neil Maureen PowerHole in one competition,this competition is now over.We had a lot of interest in trying to win it.Carmel Flanagan won it in the ladies with 2 and Patsy Hackett had an overwhelming 7 hole in ones in the gents section.Well done to them.A G.MThis will be held on Saturday 20th January 2024.Any motions please send them to our secretary Anne O'connorPitch marksLeaving pitch marks when playing destroys the greens, it takes a lot of care and attention to keep them in pristine condition, so all members and Green fees are asked to repair them and use the correct repairer when doing so.Do not use club heads to repair a pitch mark as this damages the green.Always use a pitch repairer.Also do not use the club head to take balls out of holes on greens as this damages the hole.Committee meetingNext meeting 7th December 7pm.Anyone coming in with a member when the gate is closed must use the envelopes provided on the wooden fence and put into postbox.Name, telephone number, date and amount to be writtenOn the wooden fence and put into postbox.Name, telephone number, date and amount to be written on the envelope.membership feesFamily 180 euroAdult 100 euroAssociate member 80 euroSeniors and 3rd level students 70 euroJuveniles 60 euroLife member 50 euroGreen feesAdult 6 euroJuveniles 4 euroClub hire 3 euro per set.VouchersVouchers are available if required as people love to get membership as a christmas/birthday giftCourse EtiquetteTreat your fellow players with respect at all times.NEVER walk away from the green when the game has finished, always acknowledge your playing partner.Always show respect for the course and other players by not making noise, especially when they are playing their shots.The only time you are allowed to shout is when you are shouting FORE.When you see you are delaying the play of those coming behind, allow them to play through.MANNERS COST NOTHING.Please note anyone bringing in Green fees without paying will automatically have their fob turned off, no exceptions to this rule.
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